7 Things Your Real Estate Agent Owes You

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

By Richard Brody

The behavior, ethics, and guidelines, for licensed, real estate agents, is described, in considerable detail, by, both, each individual's state, as well as one's local real estate board. One owes his client, fiduciary responsibility, discretion, ethics/ integrity, and the finest, personal service, and representation! All real estate agents are not created equal, when it comes to, how seriously, and thoroughly, they consider these necessities. One should treat these, as, things - to - do, instead, of merely, as loose guidelines, because, they are, the very least, anyone hiring an agent, deserves, because, in most cases, one's house, represents their single - biggest, financial asset. This article, therefore, will attempt to, briefly, review, consider, examine, and discuss, 7 things, which are essential.

1. Integrity: An agent's integrity must be genuine, and absolute, in each, and every detail! This requires a commitment to one's client and placing them, and their best - interests, ahead of any personal agenda, and/ or, self - interest!

2. Ethics: It's important for agents, to thoroughly, read, and be familiar, with each, and every, ethical responsibility, described, in the Realtors Code of Ethics, as well as state real estate law! This means an agent must focus, on what's best for his clients, instead of his personal best - interest!

3. Privacy: There must be chemistry, and trust, between a homeowner, and his chosen representative! It is essential to respect the client's privacy, in an absolute way! Any financial. economic, or personal information, shared, must be kept, private, and one must respect this privacy, etc.

4. Respect: There must be mutual respect, as well as trust, and a willingness to tell the homeowner, what he needs to know, not just what he wants to hear! Agents must respect the homeowner's time, and realize, this period of time, is, often, a stressful, trying one! One should, also, realize, an agent needs his client's respect if the finest results can be achieved! The best approach is using respect - based, teamwork!

5. Marketing plan: Since, no two homes, and no two individuals, are exactly the same, a customized, marketing plan, must be created, and used! Know, and understand, all aspects, and considerations, in order to proceed, effectively, and, on, the same - page!

6. Necessary adjustments: Often, a price adjustment, and/ or, tweaking a plan, or process, is needed, midstream! This requires, mutual respect, understanding, and articulating a message, clearly, and, to, the point!

7. From listing, to closing: When one hires an agent, the process, and responsibility, must take place, consistently, from listing, to the closing! You need to be represented, by someone, who, will hold - your - hand, throughout, and ease the overall process!

Homeowners and agents should understand, what an agent, needs to provide, effectively, efficiently, consistently, and professionally! When the personal chemistry, and discipline, are there, the process, works, best!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades, and a RE Licensed Salesperson, for a decade+. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://PortWashingtonLongIslandHouses.com and LIKE the Facebook page for real estate: http://facebook.com/PortWashRE


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